What is FuSa ?

It is part of overall safety and correct functioning of the process or system in response to its inputs. For automotive there is a standard ISO26262 is defined.

Why ISO 26262 ?

The International Standards Organization (ISO) states the following:

  • ISO 26262 is intended to be applied to safety-related systems that include one or more electrical or electronic (E/E) systems and that are installed in passenger cars.
  • ISO 26262 addresses possible hazards caused by malfunctioning behavior of E/E safety-related systems, including interaction of these systems.

Why FuSa is important in Semiconductor ?

The automobile industry is currently witnessing rapid change as more and more mechanical features transition to electronic systems. As a result, the functions that were in the past performed by a human driver are being supplemented by advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), which are evolving into autonomous driving systems to enable complex technology used to safety related systems.

FuSa in Semiconductor ?

  • Semiconductor component can be treated as SEooC component.
  • When developing an SEooC IP, applicable safety activities are tailored as described in ISO 26262-2:2018
  • If a mismatch exists between SEooC ASIL capability and ASIL requirements, an additional safety mechanism need to implement external to IP.

FuSa IP Lifecycle

Typical Safety Workflow

Iterate around Diagnostic Analysis until safety metrics are met

Requires multiple fault simulation iterations to prove ASIL metric

  • Safety Planning
  • Safety Assessment
  • If metrics don’t meet ASIL target

    - Insert additional safety mechanisms

    - Functional Verification

  • Fault injection…

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